Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Some progress...

I know it has been awhile, but I have a bad habit of getting distracted by books.  A lot.  For now, the sweater is on hold so I can finish a blanket that I've been working on for just as long.  I'm hoping I can get it done sometime soon so that I can include it in a box I'll send to my in-laws.  It's always been intended to be a gift for my sister-in-law.  I just hope she still likes the color.

I did finish some Christmas cards, and I have our family cards cut out for my daughter to decorate.  I also need to make an ornament for an ornament exchange (way behind on that), but the ornament I have in mind is actually relatively simple, and very pretty.  Someday, I will actually start putting pictures on here so you, my imaginary readers, can see my projects.  :-)

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