Monday, November 26, 2012

Crawling Along

I have good news, and not so good news.  First, the good news.  I have made progress on the front left panel of my sweater.  I haven't gotten as far as I would like, but a good 2.5 hour movie got me that much closer to the top.  I'm actually slightly nervous about getting to the top of this panel because the directions say to follow the pattern for the right side, only opposite what is says.  Or something like that.  I mess things up all of the time, and I'm afraid of what will happen.  Fingers crossed, I guess.

On to the not so good news.  I mentioned earlier that some of my time is being taken up by building a Star Wars costume.  My husband helped me shape the chest and back pieces last week, and now we've both decided that the pieces are a little big, and don't really fit the way we want, and that shaping is just going to be too difficult with what we have.  So, we're going back to the drawing board and printing the templates a little smaller so the pieces fit better.  I think what annoys me about it is that I feel like I get really close to being finished, and then something happens and we have to start over again.  Oh well.  I will finish a project!

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